Here are your challenges for the Month. You may do as many or as few as you choose.
All compositions MUST be written by you.
The following are prompts to help inspire you - you are free to share other writings as well. If you participate in these challenges just be sure to Identify the Room you are writing in (ie "The Writer's Terrace")
PLEASE NOTE: the new room - "Room with a View" for group discussions and also writings inspired by the topic. For the writer who writes "from a particular view". creative and have fun!
The Writer's Retreat
You wake on April Fools morning and look out the window with a sense of deja vu. The scene before you plays out as it had done yesterday - everything is the same. Even the song on the radio. And you wonder -what is this? A Groundhog version of April Fools Day?
Regale us with your adventures when you find yourself locked within a Chocolatier's heaven at Easter
The Poet's Corner
Write a poem about Blessings or being Blessed
Regale us with your adventures when you find yourself locked within a Chocolatier's heaven at Easter
Write a poem that describes a view - from a window, a rooftop, a desk, and a satellite, whatever.
The Literary Lounge
Alliteration Challenge
Write a poem using alliteration called "Hippity Hoppity"
April Fools Challenge
Entertain us with an April Fools prank played either on or by you. Something from your childhood maybe? Your teen years? Or even recent. It doesn't matter. Tell it from your perspective (in the first person) - poem or story
Imagination Prompt
Write a poem or story beginning with "When I'm surrounded by negativity I...."
Word Association
Take the following word, associate it with another and use that as the theme for your poem or story - Taboo
Room with a View
Are (all) writer's procrastinators? Share with us your thoughts.
The Word Alcove
jape \JAYP\, noun, verb:
1. A joke or jest.
2. A trick or prank.
3. To joke; to jest.
4. To make fun of; to mock.
feckless \FEK-lis\, adjective:
1. Ineffective; having no real worth or purpose.
2. Worthless; irresponsible; generally incompetent and ineffectual.
equine \EE-kwahyn, EK-wahyn\, adjective:
of, pertaining to, or resembling a horse: a bold, equine face.
acute \uh-KYOOT\, adjective:
1. acting keenly on the senses; sharp
2. quick in discernment; drawing fine distinctions
3. of an angle, less than 90 degrees
4. happening quickly, briefly, and severely
sanguine \SANG-gwin\, adjective, noun;
1. cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or confident
2. reddish; ruddy
3. (in old physiology) having blood as the predominating humor and consequently being ruddy-faced, cheerful, etc.
4. blood-red; red
5. Heraldry. a reddish-purple tincture.
6. a red iron-oxide crayon used in making drawings
The Book Nook
Share with us a Book you have read recently. Review it and tell us what you think of it. Don't forget to include Title, author and ISBN (google it, if in doubt)
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