Do All Writers Procrastinate?
I ponder now this question
and wonder is it true -
Do all writers procrastinate
or is just a few?
Are there others out there like me
who often put off today
Things to be done "tomorrow"
that we could've yesterday?
Do they too have "mental trays"
of all that must be done,
Only to shift them round again
to get out of doing one?
Putting off for a moment
with a promise to return
But do they also make an excuse
and once again they spurn?
Is it because there are things
to which our souls relate,
Through the freedom of expression
and poetry* we create
Is it because we're writers
and not through any plan
That we see things differently
that others don't understand
I know I have a list of things
both mentally and written
Of things I know that I should do
but my writing has me smitten
I'd rather be here penning thoughts
through words I can express
How things in life make me feel;
it's like therapy, I guess.
For it's here we find a comfort
not in daily chores
But through the things by which we learn
through words we can explore -
Does it make us lazy,
passive or careless?
No, we just see and think differently
I believe that says it best.
So I ponder now the question
do we procrastinate?
Who cares when we are writing -
it'll get done someday!
© Christina
7th May 2009
* Poetry meaning an expression of words in any form - ie. poetry in motion
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